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How to use

How to make the most of GoodFoodTalks

To get the most out of Good Food Talks, you may want to take a moment to explore the accessibility features that come with your smartphone.

  • On the iPhone: go to Settings, General, Accessibility.
  • On the Android: go to Applications, Settings, Accessibility.
  • What you see next will vary depending on the make and model of your phone, but we’d recommend trying out all of the different options, so that you can find a method of reading that works well for you.

Here are some general tips we hope you’ll find helpful.

iPhone & ipad

How to make the print bigger

Option 1: put two fingers on the screen and draw them apart without lifting them off the screen. You can make the print as big or small as you want.

Option 2: turn the phone sideways, so that the screen is wide rather than tall (i.e. landscape). The print will get bigger automatically.

How to make the menu talk

Option 1: go to Settings, General, Accessibility, VoiceOver. Set the toggle switch at the top to on. You’re now using VoiceOver, which reads everything on your screen to you. The controls are slightly different, but still very easy once you get used to them. Swipe left and right to navigate around your screen, and double tap to select an item or click on a link.

Option 2: go to Settings, General, Accessibility, Speak Selection. Set the toggle switch at the top to on. You’ll still be using your usual controls, but now, whenever you highlight text, you’ll have the option to hear your selection read out loud. Great for reading long descriptions of food.

How to make the print bigger

Option 1: put two fingers on the screen and draw them apart without lifting them off the screen. You can make the print as big or small as you want.

Option 2: turn the phone sideways, so that the screen is wide rather than tall (i.e. landscape). On many of the newer Android models, the print will get bigger automatically.


How to make the menu talk

Option 1: go to Applications, Settings, Accessibility, and enable TalkBack. (This will be either a checkbox or a toggle switch, depending on your phone.) TalkBack is the Android’s screen reader, which will speak everything you point to on your screen.

Option 2: If your phone is running Android 4.1 or later, TalkBack will then ask whether you’d like to enable a feature called Explore By Touch. This feature, like VoiceOver on the iPhone, allows you to use your phone without looking at it at all. The screen controls are slightly different, but still very easy once you get used to them. Swipe left and right to navigate around your screen, and double tap to select an item or click on a link.

For more detailed information about the accessibility features on your phone or tablet, visit: for iPhones for Androids.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback you may have.

We’d love to hear from you.